* 验证支付成功是否可以发货
* @param string $signedData
* @param string $signature
* @return boolean
public function checkGooglePayByPublickey( $signedData, $signature)
$signature = base64_decode( $signature, true);
$publicKey = 'publicKey';
$packageName = 'packageName';
$publicKey = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n".chunk_split( $publicKey, 64, "\n" ).'-----END PUBLIC KEY-----';
$key = openssl_get_publickey( $publicKey );
if ( empty( $key ) )
//Please pass a Base64-encoded public key from the Market portal
return false;
$jsonSignedData = base64_decode( $signedData, true );
$array = json_decode( $jsonSignedData, true);
if ( empty( $array ) )
//fail to decode signedData
return false;
if ( empty( $array['packageName'] ) )
//packageName is null
return false;
if ( $array['packageName'] != $packageName )
//packageName is not match
return false;
$result = openssl_verify( $jsonSignedData, base64_decode( $signature ), $key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 );
if ( 0 === $result )
//fail to verify
return false;
else if ( 1 !== $result )
//Unknown error verifying the signature in openssl_verify
return false;
return true;